Sopa de Pollo (Chicken Soup)
My favorite meal, even in the Texas summer!

Every culture has their own version of chicken soup and I'm a fan of ALL of them! Chicken soup was my favorite meal growing up and until this day it's my go to comfort meal at any point in the year! It's no surprise that this is one of the first meals I learned how to cook with my mom when I was a teenager. Over the years I've made if for my friends when they are sick or when it's cold, and it's always a hit. In El Salvador 'Sopa de Pollo' y 'Sopa de gallina India' are very popular meals. The chicken or hen is used to make the broth for the soup and then grilled or fried and served on the side.
During the holidays or on special occasions, I remember my parents going to chicken farms to find a hen which is referred to as a 'Gallina India.' My mom would make a humongous pot of soup and they would invite all of my tias over for dinner. The hen has a distinct taste and it's known to be better to make the broth, but it's tougher so it requires a different process to prepare it and longer to cook it. Once the broth is made, the process is the same for both the chicken and hen.
This recipe is made with chicken and it's based on my mom's recipe that she taught me. I've slightly tweaked to include a few more ingredients that I've learned to like over the years. Just like any other recipe that I share... make it your own! I try to switch up the vegetables I add to the soup each time depending on my mood and the availability of the vegetables. I never skip potato, carrots and squash which is very common in any chicken soup, but I do skip out on the güisquil or chayote because I don't like it in soup. In addition I like to add green beans and zucchini and if I'm feeling "healthy," broccoli or cabbage. Other people may add corn, yuca, plantain, the options vary.
Whole chicken
2-3 Bay leaves
1 Fresh Cilantro bunch
1 stick Celery
6 Fresh mint/spearmint leaves
2-3 Garlic cloves
1/2 Onion
1/2 Green bell pepper
1-2 strands Fresh parsley
Pepper to taste
Salt to taste
Any vegetable you want to add such as: potato, carrots, güisquil (chayote), green beans, zucchini, squash, corn, cabbage, etc.
Magi chicken soup packet (optional)
1 tbsp Chicken bouillon
Chicken rub for frying (optional):
Worcestershire sauce
Chicken bouillon
Garlic powder
Pepper and salt to taste
Place a pot (8 quarts) on the stove and fill it up halfway with water. The pot has to be big enough to fit the whole chicken, vegetables and the amount of desired broth.
Prepare the chicken: Wash it or don't. I like to removed excess fat and cut it up, but you can leave it whole if desired.
Once the water is hot add the chicken, 2-3 bay leaves, half of the fresh cilantro, celery, 5-6 leaves of fresh mint, 3-4 garlic cloves, half onion, 1/4th green bell pepper, one strand of fresh parsley, and pepper and salt to taste. If there is still room in your pot, add in more water. Cover and let it cook for about 30-45 mins.
In the meantime peel and cut your vegetables. I live to cut my vegetables into small 1/2 inch cubes or so but it's up to you. I separate the squash and zucchini from the rest of the vegetables because they cook fast, so I add them towards the end.I typically leave the potato in water along with the other vegetables.
After 30 mins check the broth, if there is fat or foam accumulated at the top remove it my skimming it with a ladle and dispose of it. Cover it again and let it cook for 15 more minutes or until the chicken if fully cooked.
Once the chicken is fully cooked, take the chicken out and set it to the side. Strain your broth and place it back in the pot on medium heat. Now add in your vegetables, the Magi chicken soup packet and 1 tbsp of chicken bouillon. Taste test the broth and adjust with salt and pepper. The magi packet has a mix of chicken seasoning and either noodles, rice or shell shaped pasta. Cover and let it cook for 10 minutes.
After ten minutes add in the squash and let it come to a boi, it should take no longer than 2-3 mins after adding the squash. Turn off the heat and let it rest.
You can choose to add the chicken back into the soup with the bone or boneless, or you can choose to fry it. To fry the chicken it has to be in pieces, season it with a paste made with with mustard, paprika, chicken bouillon, pepper, garlic, and Worcestershire sauce. Rub the paste on each chicken piece and then fry on both sides until golden brown.
Serve and enjoy! If you fried the chicken, serve it with a side salad and a bowl of soup. Most restaurants also serve a side of rice but since I add the magi soup that contains noodle already I prefer not to serve rice. The soup is delicious so it doesn't really need anything to eat it with but you can eat avocado, fresh jalapeño or more cilantro if desired. Either way I hope this meal brings you warmth and happiness at any time of year!